THE PROGRAM. On luxury and helplessness

One man‘s confession, the story about the dual personality, inner fights and the burden of one‘s self.

THE PROGRAM. On luxury and helplessness THE PROGRAM. On luxury and helplessness

Tango Salon

„Tango Salon“ is the most recent work of the theatre artist Gytis Ivanauskas, a new improvisation, another attempt to "save" the world - this time by woman's beauty and passionate Argentinian tango.   The creators promise excellent fountain views and fancy tango dance combinations.… skaityti daugiau...

Tango Salon Tango Salon

The Birds

Chamber dance performance based on Contemporary Ballet motif.

The Birds The Birds

Marko (Kavoli Cabaret)

Four members of theatrical family in the play facing big changes, each of them is on the step of their choice.

Marko (Kavoli Cabaret) Marko (Kavoli Cabaret)
Ambient play Halloween Phobias

The creators of “Halloween Phobias” reveals their own fears

Men? fabrikas „Loftas“ kvie?ia ? Helouvyno nakties, kai visi ieško kur j? atšv?sti, vakar?l? Vilniuje spalio 29 d. Panašu, kad tai bus geidžiamiausias tos nakties vakar?lis sostin?je, nes jam yra ruošiamasi dar nuo rugs?jo vidurio.


Vakar?lio metu – Gy?io Ivanausko teatro premjera – atmosferinis spektaklis „Halloween Fobijos“ su 30 šok?j? scenoje, mistinis vakar?lis-pasaka su persireng?liais po to read more…

Performance "Marko (Kavoliai cabaret)"

Gytis Ivanauskas will communicate to spectators not only through dance

Art?jant naujam k?rybiniam sezonui Gy?io Ivanausko teatras pasiruoš?s ir v?l nustebinti savo ži?rovus. Be to, kad spal? bus rodoma didelio ži?rov? susidom?jimo sulaukusi pasaka suaugusiems „Raudonos kurpait?s“, lapkrit? laukia premjera – „MARKO (Kavoli? kabaretas)“ – pirmasis ne šokio spektaklis GIT istorijoje.


Gy?io Ivanausko teatro naujasis sezonas prasid?s Vilniuje, Men? spaustuv?je spektakliu „Raudonos kurpait?sread more…