Performance "Marko (Kavoliai cabaret)"

Marko (Kavoli Cabaret)

The play created by the actors


“Marko (Kavoli Cabaret)” is the first purely drama play of Gytis Ivanauskas, who is well known for the dance performances. In this play four members of theatrical family are facing big changes, each of them has to make critical decisions.


Fateful evening and next morning. To flee for the better future, or to stay where your roots are? Is it possible read more…

Performance "Marko (Kavoliai cabaret)"

Gytis Ivanauskas will communicate to spectators not only through dance

Art?jant naujam k?rybiniam sezonui Gy?io Ivanausko teatras pasiruoš?s ir v?l nustebinti savo ži?rovus. Be to, kad spal? bus rodoma didelio ži?rov? susidom?jimo sulaukusi pasaka suaugusiems „Raudonos kurpait?s“, lapkrit? laukia premjera – „MARKO (Kavoli? kabaretas)“ – pirmasis ne šokio spektaklis GIT istorijoje.


Gy?io Ivanausko teatro naujasis sezonas prasid?s Vilniuje, Men? spaustuv?je spektakliu „Raudonos kurpait?sread more…