Gyčio Ivanausko teatro spektaklis "Dialogai"


The story based on pure accidents, emotions and stylized body language   A seemingly simple, ordinary meeting with a friend for cup of coffee may finish normally, tragically, violently, silly, hopelessly, sadly or even comically. Usually we do not think what had this meeting ended differently, something unexpected would happen. The story based on pure accidents, emotions, stylized body language and contemporary dance – all this is in Gytis Ivanauskas Theatre play “Dialogues”. The body language of the dance will express not only love and hate, but also a female … read more…

Gyčio Ivanausko teatro spektaklis "8 kvadratiniai metrai"

8 Square Meters

Dancing tango to survive


8 square meters is the symbolic space of “madmen”, where everyone lives in his imaginary world, speaks the language only he understands, hears the sounds familiar only to his ears only.


Six people of different fate are living in their own micro worlds. They are locked in the 8 square meters cell, with cold metal floor. They all share a single desire and passion – to dance. The only way to survive in this mad world is to dance tango.

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PREMJERA “8 kvadratiniai metrai”

Gruodžio 19 d. 19 val. “Domino” teatre, Vilniuje ir gruodžio 20 d. 19 val. Kauno valstybiniame dramos teatre “Gyčio Ivanausko teatras” pakvies savo žiūrovus į spektaklio “8 kvadratiniai metrai” premjerą. Spektaklio autorius ir scenografas – Gytis Ivanauskas. Choreografija – Brigita Urbietytė. Kostiumų dailininkė – Justė Maldžiūnaitė. Šokėjai – Naglis Bierancas, Gytis Ivanauskas, Agnė Ramanauskaitė, Paulius Tamolė, Evaldas Taujanskis, Brigita Urbietytė, Dovilė Džervutė. 8 kvadratiniai metrai tai erdvė, kurioje vyksta spektaklio veiksmas. Tai simbolinė „pamišėlių“ erdvė, kurioje kiekvienas gyvena savo įsivaizduojamame pasaulyje, bendrauja tik jiems suprantama kalba, girdi tik sau suprantamus … read more…